Jubilee Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary since the Birth of Vladimir Il'ich Lenin"

The jubilee medal "For valorous work ( for military heroism ) To commemorate the 100th anniversary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin " (Russian Юбилейная медаль " За доблестный труд ( За воинскую доблесть ) В ознаменование 100 - летия со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина ") was a Award of the former Soviet Union, which was founded on November 5, 1969 to mark the 100th birthday of Lenin into two categories (military and civil ) and a special version for international communist citizens of the labor movement. Among the German honored persons counted by the then Minister of State Security GDR Erich Mielke, who received the award on April 30, 1970, and Walter Ulbricht. the medal was awarded 11 million times ( 9 million civilian and military awards 2 million ).

Award conditions

The award of the Military category " for military heroism " was carried out on members of the Soviet army, the naval fleet, the troops of the Ministry of the Interior and of troops and organs of the Committee for State Security of the USSR, and in the course of preparation for the Jubilee outstanding achievements in the political combat training as well as further high results were achieved in the troop leadership and the preservation of combat readiness. same award conditions were applied to the civilian category of the medal "For valorous work", must have been accomplished in the course of the preparations for the civil sector whose activities.

Stylish look and manner

The obverse of the existing brass coin has a diameter of 32 mm and shows the left -looking head portraits of Lenin and the underlying annual figures of the 100th anniversary: 1870-1970. The reverse of the coin is held differently according to the awarded category. The medal in the civil design shows on its upper edge the inscription ЗА ДОБЛЕСТНЫЙ ТРУД ( For heroic ( heroic ) work ) and ЗА ВОИНСКУЮ ДОБЛЕСТЬ ( " For military valor " ) in military execution and underneath the symbol of the hammer and sickle. Under these then is the four-line inscription: В ОЗНАМЕНОВАНИЕ / 100 ЛЕТИЯ / СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ / В. И. ЛЕНИНА (literally "In Memory / of the 100th anniversary / birthday since / by W. I. Lenin " ) to read. Below is a five-pointed star. When awarded to Walter Ulbricht medal lacking the transcription and the four lines of text, hammer and sickle and star have been slightly offset upwards in the center of the coin.

It is supported medal at the upper left side of the chest Beliehenen all other Garter on a golden clasp, where red tape is attached. The hem of the religious band consists of a 2 mm wide gold border stripes. Addition of gold and wide perpendicularly woven strip means have been woven into the mid-band in each case two 1 mm that are spaced apart by 2 mm.
