
Under an anniversary (from the Latin annus jubilaeus: Jubilee: plural: anniversaries ) refers to a memorial celebration at the return of a specific date. It is originally derived from the Old Testament " Jubilee " ( " Yovel " in Hebrew) ago, which was all 100, 50, then celebrated every 25 years. By 1300, introduced this Holy Year Jubilee was transferred to a Christian festival occasion.


Today has become common to refer to any annual return as an anniversary. In addition to the anniversary are all multiples of 100, 50, 25, 10 or even 5 special anniversaries. The anniversary is all the more significant by the more the above figures it is evenly divisible. Within the first 100 years are usually 5 - particularly important 100 - 10 - 20-25 - 50-75. 50 - year service anniversaries often particularly appreciated - In the world of work are 10, 20, 30, 40, or - so this can be achieved.

If anniversary interpreted as Anniversary, the 150th Anniversary formulation is preferable to the 150th anniversary since it is a time and no time. However, the Duden also allows for the second option. Other possible formulations are 150 - year anniversary and the anniversary of 150 years of existence.

It is often celebrated the anniversary at birthdays, death days, weddings, business start-ups, the Confirmation, Communion or the anniversary of commencement of work ( service awards ) and other anniversaries. The honoree is aimed to mark the occasion often a festival or celebration and receives gifts from the guests.

The anniversary names among married couples are finding wedding anniversary in the article.
