Juggling ball

A juggling ball, juggling acts, although, from the raw egg is basically with almost all objects until the medicine ball possible. Among the special juggling balls, there are three types: beanbags, stage balls and Bounceballs.


For beginners and for practicing new tricks, the so-called beanbag (bean bag ) is suitable. It consists of a cover made ​​of fabric, leather, or an elastic plastic material, which is tightly with a granulate, for example millet, filled. It weighs 110-150 grams. The beanbag is very easy to catch and remains lying when he falls to the ground.


For appearances jugglers mostly prefer so-called Stage Balls. You either have a plastic sleeve which is also filled with granules or made ​​entirely of plastic. The Stage ball is not so easily deformed as the beanbag and therefore unsuitable for beginners. But this he is distinguished by a very stable flight path. It is usually larger and heavier than a beanbag and therefore is better suited for the audience juggling because you can see him in the last row. Stage Balls are usually in bright colors, contrasting with the background. They are usually monochrome unlike beanbags. Thus, the rotation is not perceived by the viewer.

A newer version of the Stage Balls are about the Glowballs. They have an internal electronics with LEDs, can be set using the different color variations. The Glowballs shine from the inside out, what juggling is to give a mystical coat of paint. The operating time is specified with up to 20 hours, they have internal batteries, that can be exchanged.


The Bounceball looks similar to the stage ball, he jumps, however, if it is dropped. It is used for so-called bounce or Dotzen, so popping up on the floor. For beginners, it is inappropriate as a mistake of falling ball bounce around uncontrollably. Bouncebälle are usually larger versions of the rubber balls, but jumping much better ( up to 90 % of the height of fall ).
