Jules Haime

Jules Haime ( born March 28, 1824 in Tours, † September 28, 1856 in Paris) was a French zoologist, paleontologist and geologist who dealt in particular with corals.

Haime went to school in Tours, where he attended the École de médicine from 1842. In 1844 he went to Paris, gave the medicine and studied natural sciences. He worked at the Muséum national d' histoire naturelle as a taxidermist for Henri Milne -Edwards ( 1800-1885 ). Subsequently he was a successor to Milne -Edwards and Quatrefages (1810-1892) professor of natural history at the Lycée Henri IV

With Milne -Edwards, he published the books on corals in the series Suites à Buffon. After his early death sat Milne -Edwards this matter alone.

He was Vice- President of the Société géologique de France.


  • With Milne -Edwards Histoire naturelle of coralliaires, ou polypes proprement dits, 4 volumes, Paris: Roret, 1857-1860, Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4