Julidochromis marlieri

Checkerboard Schlankcichlide ( Julidochromis marlieri )

The checkerboard Schlankcichlide ( Julidochromis marlieri ) is a cichlid from Africa.

Occurrence and habitat

Julidochromis marlieri is endemic and inhabited the rocky shore of Lake Tanganyika. Mainly the checkerboard Schlankcichlide in the northwest corner of the lake at Makabola (Democratic Republic of Congo) is to be found. The water temperature is 24-26 ° C. In addition, the water is slightly alkaline ( pH 7.5-8.0 ).


The length of the fish is about 15 cm. Gender differences are not very pronounced. The genital papilla of the male is pointed, while the female is dull. Fully adult males of Julidochromis marlieri also wear a fat hump on the head.

Sexual behavior and breeding

The female lays about 300 eggs in a cave, whereupon the young hatch after a three-day incubation period. The juveniles stay long in the vicinity of the spawning place. It may also arise hybrids between species Julidochromis marlieri and Julidochromis ornatus ( Yellow Schlankcichlide ), but they are barren. The hybrids remember Julidochromis transcriptus ( Black White Schlankcichlide ).

Attitude as an ornamental and farmed fish

The checkerboard Schlankcichlide is kept as ornamental fish. It should be ensured that there is enough space ( about 100-200 liters for a pair ). In addition, the fish is aggressive towards other as well as towards its own kind, so he should not be kept in a community tank.
