Jumbo (company)

The shipping company Jumbo Shipping was founded in 1968 with its head office in Rotterdam on the Maas.


The shipping company Jumbo Shipping was founded by the family boat in 1968 as a daughter of her shipping company Kahn Scheepvaart. Their first ship was the Stella Prima of Kahn Scheepvaart with four 12 -ton derricks. As the first new building in 1968 Delivered Stella Nova was founded in 1967 ordered with two 50 -ton trees The development continued and had its climax with the commissioning of the type of ship the J1800 class of the Jumbo Javelin in 2004. At the time of her delivery, the Jumbo was Javelin with two 900 t mast cranes and DP 2 the most powerful heavy lift in the world. It triggered from the Happy Buccaneer. The shipping company currently operates 13 vessels. In spring 2011 she has her oldest ship, the fair pole, let scrapped in India.

Jumbo builds with the K3000 class with a lifting capacity of 3000 t the most powerful heavy lift in the world. The ships offer over the currently most powerful heavy lift, the Lone (2000 t) of SAL to 1000 tonnes.

Types of vessels of the shipping company

The number following the letter of the type code represents the combined lifting capacity.
