Juncus bufonius

Toad Rush ( Juncus bufonius )

The Toad Rush ( Juncus bufonius ), or Common Toad Rush called, is a species of the genus rushes ( Juncus ) within the family of Rushes ( Juncaceae ).

Other common names are or were arable Mies ( Carinthia in Glödnitz ) Katerbat ( Münster ), toad rush (Silesia ), Toad grass (Silesia ), Krottengras, Nätgras ( Altmark), Pogge grass (Silesia ) and Swienegras ( Ostfriesland).

  • 4.1 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

The Toad Rush is an annual plant that reaches the heights of growth 3-30 centimeters. It grows without foothills of the basic branches of tufted and forms small clumps. The round, smooth and leafy stems are limp, often decumbent or upright growing. The leaves are divided into leaf sheath and blade. The leaf sheaths are colored yellow to reddish brown and have no auricles. The leaf blade is narrow and flat and especially in the upper range thready.

Generative features

The loose starting already at the bottom of the stem axis inflorescence is a little - to Vielblütige Spirre. The flowers are single, rarely in groups. The whitish- green tepals are lanceolate acuminate at a length from 4 to 7.5 mm and hautrandig, the outer slightly longer than the inner and wearing a green middle stripe. The flowers have six, rarely three or four, stamens and three elongated bright scars. The 3-5 mm long, oblong egg-shaped capsule is at the apex obtuse triangular and slightly shorter than the inner tepals. The seeds are about 0.3 millimeters long.

The flowering period extends from June to September.


The Toad Rush is sommerannuell.

The summit flowers usually remain closed, they show cleistogamy. In addition to the flowers may develop breeding rung in the flowers field, ie it is Pseudoviviparie ago.

The seeds are small and only 0.02 mg hard in wet see through the slimy swollen seed coat like the spawn of toads. There is typical propagation occurs because the pittosporum on feet and shoes stick; to the spread comes with the earth by water birds.


The Toad Rush is distributed worldwide. It settles wet and open places on water banks, in the short-lived Mud Soil- pioneer corridors, damp waste places, wet fields and short-lived weeds corridors.
