
June is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

He has 30 days and include the date of the solstice (June 21, depending on the celestial mechanics also on 20 or 22 June possible), which is on the northern hemisphere, the longest day with the shortest night of the year. It is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of the father of the gods Jupiter, goddess of marriage and protector of Rome. During the reign of Emperor Nero of the month of the name of the emperor, which, however, does not by itself set was renamed Germanicus. Under Emperor Commodus the month then was called Aelius, in turn, one of his names, even this renaming was reversed after the death of the emperor.

The old German name of the month is Brachet or Brachmond, as in the three-field system of the Middle Ages this month started editing the fallow. In gardener circles it also speaks of the rose month, as the rose bloom reached its peak in June; For this reason, the June was once called Rosemond. In the Roman calendar of Junius was originally the fourth month and had 29 days.

To clear acoustic distinction of June, which differs only in one consonant from the names of months in July, he is sometimes colloquially pronounced as Juno [ ju ː no] or [ juno ː ], while the July or with the pronunciation Julei [ Julai ] also sometimes colloquially used [ ju ː lai ] clearly distinguishes.

No other month of the current calendar year begins with the same day of the week as June. The February of the following year, however, begins with the same weekday as of June of the current year.

Holidays and observances

The June contains in German speaking countries no fixed holidays. From the moving drops in rare cases, Ascension Day, Pentecost and Corpus Christi but more often in June. In many areas, the summer solstice and Midsummer is celebrated. Other Holidays and observances see Category List (holidays ) and List of commemorative days and action # of June.

Country Lore June

See list of proverbs # June

Pictures of June
