Jungle Crow

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Thick-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos )

The Thick-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos ) is a passerine bird in the genus of crows and ravens (Corvus ), which is widespread in much of Asia.

  • 4.1 nutrition
  • 4.2 courtship, nest building and brood care
  • 4.3 Social behavior


Appearance and Body

The body length of the Thick-billed crows varies from area to area and is 46-59 cm. To the east of its range ( in northeastern Japan, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin ), it is a little larger than the related carrion crow. To the west of its range (India) it is significantly smaller than the Carrion Crow.

It has a relatively long, thick and curved beak, which it resembles a raven something. Head, neck, shoulders and lower body are gray; Wings, tail, face and neck are glossy black. The gray color of the plumage is variable; the farther west occur, the animals, the blacker is their plumage.


The sounds of the Thick-billed Crow resemble those of the gloss crow. They are generally but deeper and more resonant than that of their relatives. Usually it 's a loud " kaaa - kaaa - kaaa " by itself. But the Crow expresses many other calls, such as those that are described as " kau kau " and those that can be confused with the drums by woodpeckers.


The range extends over the Himalayas to eastern China and Japan northward as well as almost all of Southeast Asia to Java, Sumatra, and Timor in the south.


She lives in forests, parks, gardens and urban areas with trees.



The birds are extremely variable in food intake. One possibility is animal and vegetable food they find on the ground or on trees. In urban areas of Japan they are perceived as a nuisance, as they tear open garbage bags and sought in food.

Courtship, nest building and brood care

The nest is built on branches high in a tree. When nesting materials also serve grasses, wool, rags, vegetable fibers and similar materials. Some nests were found, which were produced mainly with electricity cables. The nest is created in a crotch of the tree and has the shape of a shallow cup.

The clutch consists of four to five, rarely to seven eggs. The eggs are round to slightly oval. The ground color is a pale blue-green and the eggs are reddish brown, pale sepia and gray mottled, speckled and striped. They have a size of 2.7 cm to 3.7 cm. The incubation period lasts 17 to 19 days the young birds fledge after 35 days.

The nest of the crow are parasitized by the Indian Koel ( Eudynamys scolopaceus ).

Social behavior

The birds are gathered in large groups ( up to thousands of animals) for sleeping places. Great teams are primarily at dusk to the main bunks. These dormitories are equally haunted by the year out, and will primarily used by non- breeders.
