Junzaburō Nishiwaki

Nishiwaki Junzaburō (Japanese西 胁 顺 三郎; born January 20, 1894 in Niigata Prefecture, † June 5, 1982 ibid ) was a Japanese writer.


Nishiwaki went after high school to Tokyo to studying painting, but those plans had to give up after the death of his father. Instead, he studied at Keio University Economics, English, German, Latin and Greek. His linguistic talent was so great that he began to write poetry in English and French.

During a visit to England in 1922 he met the modern Western European literature know and published a book of poems in English under the title Spectrum. After his return to Japan, he became a professor of English literature History at Keio University. In 1927 he founded with Shuzo Takiguchi the first magazine in Japan for surrealistic poetry Fukuiki Taru Kafu yo (馥郁 タル 火夫 ヨ). In the following year he brought out the magazine Shi to Shiron (詩 と 詩論).

With Ambarvalia appeared in 1933 his first collection of Japanese poems. After the Second World War, he published his most important work as the collection of poems Ushinawareta Toki (失わ れ た 時).
