Jupiter Barrier

The concept Jupiter - barrier refers to the property of the gas giant planets in the solar system (especially Jupiter ) to prevent due to their large mass objects from Inner Oort cloud or from the asteroid belt from reaching the area of the inner planets.

The change in the Perihelabstandes an object from the Oort cloud between two Bahnumläufen through the outer solar system is a strong function of the semimajor axis ( proportional to the semi-major axis high 7 /2). Is the semi-major axis of an object from the Oort cloud is less than about 10,000 AU and 20,000 AU, the between two rounds to be expected through the outer solar system changing its Perihelabstandes is so low that the area of the gas planets can not be overcome in one step. The objects hold therefore longer in the area of ​​this planet and to be " thrown " very likely due to the gravitational effect of the planets of the solar system.

Whether Jupiter actually met a " protective function " in the overall effect was found, however, in more recent publications in question.
