Just Jordan

  • Lil 'JJ: Jordan James Lewis
  • Raven Goodwin: Tangie Cunningham
  • Eddy Martin: Joaquin Osmando Montez
  • Justin Chon: Tony Lee
  • Kristen Combs: Monica Lewis
  • Shania Accius: Pamela Cunningham - Lewis
  • Beau Billingslea: Grant Cunningham
  • Chelsea Harris: Tamika Newsome

Just Jordan is an American TEENick television series, which aired for the first time on 7 January 2007 at the TV station Nickelodeon. It was also seen on The N and BET. In Germany, the series was not broadcast. The main role is played by Lil 'JJ.


The show series Just Jordan tells of the 16 -year-old colored Jordan James Lewis, who comes from a rural Little Rock in Arkansas and in the city Los Angeles, his mother Pamela 's birthplace, moves. The stories revolve around his daily life and about how he can cope with the new situation. This is a kind of show, because Jordan is aimed partly directly to the audience.

