Jutta of Kulmsee

Jutta von Sangerhausen (* 1200, † May 5, 1260 in Culmsee ) was a benefactress and recluse.

Jutta von Sangerhausen lived after the death of her husband in the environment of Ulrich Church of Sanger -hausen. She devoted herself to nursing along the lines of Elizabeth of Hungary and was in touch with Mechthild of Magdeburg. Jutta wanted to lead a life of following Christ in evangelical poverty, but without entering a religious order. She decided then, with her relatives Anno of Sangerhausen, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, to go into the German Order field in the area of Culmsee in Prussia. In 1256 she founded the St. George's Church.

There Jutta settled in Bildschön - now Bielczyny - as a hermit down. At the Cathedral of Culmsee they met on their sponsors and confessor, John Lobedau. Its successor, the Dominican Provincial Heidenreich of Kulm (who previously Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland ), Jutta had to bury their desire to go in Culmsee.

The process of canonization Juttas by the local bishop was carried out for 15 years after her death. At the canonization in Rome it did not come, so she is considered blessed. The 5th of May is their Catholic Memorial.

In 1520 Simon Grunau described in his chronicle the lives of Prussia Jutta von Sangerhausen. He referred Carolo Karl von Sangerhausen as her deceased husband, and (H) anno as one of those sons, who took his mother to Colmensee in Prussia.

1605/9 for the first time wrote a Polish writer Martin Baronius, priests from Jaroslaw about Jutta von Pruthenia and says she was born in 1220 in Prussia from a Thuringian family and Johann Konopacki, libero baroni married in Bielczany as Haec nata in anno domini Prussia.

When in 1637 her remains should be collected, they were lost, the Jutta Chapel but is preserved. Bildschön was soon goal of pilgrims. In Sangerhausen today reminds of Jutta von Sangerhausen Square at her. On May 2, 2010, the Catholic parish was established under the name of the parish of St. Jutta.
