
The name Kp index indicates a planetary code. This Index was developed to represent solar particle by its magnetic effect. The symbolic representation is in the values ​​0 to 9 in a diagram ( English name: musical diagram ), this shows the quantitative values ​​of the KP index. It allows an orientation to the type determined by the length and the width of the symbols.

Julius Bartels developed in 1949 at the Geophysical Institute Potsdam as a measure of geomagnetic activity Kp index. The Kp index is determined using a standardized procedure from the data of 13 observatories worldwide. The Kp index was recognized in 1967 by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy ( IAGA ) as an important yardstick.


The Kp index is widely used in studies and observations of terrestrial magnetism and is also an indicator for possible auroral phenomena.
