
  • 3β ,5,14 -trihydroxy -19 -oxo- 5β, 14β -card -20 ( 22) - enolide
  • Corchorin


173 ° C

Slightly soluble in water (816 mg · l-1 at 25 ° C)


330 ug · kg -1 ( LD50, mouse, i.v.)

Template: Infobox chemical / molecular formula search available

K strophanthidin, and strophanthidin, is a steroid selected from the group of the cardenolides, and the aglycone of some cardiac glycosides:

  • K- strophanthin - α, and h- strophanthin, cymarin, strophanthidin -D cymarosid ( CAS: 508-77-0 )
  • K- strophanthin - β, and k- strophanthin, Strophosid, strophanthidin - glucocymarosid ( CAS: 560-53-2 )
  • K- strophanthin - γ, and k- Strophanthosid, strophanthidin - diglucocymarosid ( CAS: 33279-57-1 )
  • Convallatoxin, also strophanthidin -L- rhamnoside ( CAS: 508-75-8 )
  • Convallosid, also strophanthidin - glucorhamnosid ( CAS: 13473-51-3 )

Strophanthidin is included in the

  • Lily of the Valley herb ( herba Convallariae ) as Convallatoxin, Convallosid
  • Seeds of Strophanthus kombe ( Strophanthi kombe semen ) as k- strophanthin - α, k- strophanthin - β and k- strophanthin - γ
  • Adonis herb ( herba Adonidis ) as k- strophanthin - α