Kadima (youth group)

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Reason: Template: deletion request text / March pseudo article that does not almost entirely concerned with the Scout Association " Kadima ", but general statements about the Jewish youth movement repeats, which are found in the local products with better covers. The few statements on the Kadima themselves are without evidence and almost continuously wrong. - Jergen? 15:45, March 10 2014 ( CET )

Kadima (Hebrew forward ), the Association of Jewish Scouts and hiking bird frets in Germany until 1933. She was a part of the Jewish youth movement in the German Reich.

As of 1904, the migrant bird movement split into different societies, many of which were close to the Germans. The ideas of Dürer and the Pan-German Federal Association had many supporters in the traveling bird movement. In the following years, many frets oriented increasingly to the nationalist movement.

Because of this experience of the undesirability of the migrant bird movement first local Jewish migrant groups emerged in the first decade of the 20th century. 1912 suggested its founder Joseph Marcus on the Delegiertentag of the Zionist Federation of Germany, the establishment of migratory bird-like youth groups that were formed under the name Blue and white and at the beginning had brisk business. In contrast, the Kadima oriented more to the Scout Movement in 1908, founded by Robert Baden- Powell, internationalist oriented. The Kadima took with growing anti-Semitism a more Zionist and partially socialist positions. The Scouts and resistance fighters Yitzhak Schwersenz belonged in his youth by the Kadima.
