Kalida (Ohio)

Putnam County


Kalida is a village in Putnam County, Ohio, United States. Kalida had 2000 1.031 inhabitants in the census. Its area is 2.9 km2.


The 2000 counted 1013 inhabitants form 385 households. The place was inhabited by 284 families. The population density was 355.4 inhabitants per square kilometer. In the village are 397 houses, which corresponds to a site density of 136.9 houses per square kilometer. 99.13 % of the population is White, 0.19 % Native American. 35.13 % of the population is under 18, 8.6% 18-24, 30.7 % 25-44, 19.3% 45-65, and 13.8 % over 65 100 females come 101.4 Men, 100 girls under 18 are 97.1 boys. The average income is $ 59,861 for families, for men is $ 37,750 and for women at $ 27,065. 3.3% of Familiem and 4.4% of the population live below the poverty line, 4.1 % of whom are under 18 and 7.2% over 65

  • Location in Ohio
  • Location in North America
  • Putnam County ( Ohio)