Kalinowski's mouse opossum

The species is occupied by seven specimens that were found in French Guiana, Guyana and Peru. It reaches a body length of 75 to 90 mm ​​, a tail length of 100 to 120 millimeters and a weight of 13 to 18 grams, so one of the smallest opossums. As the only representative of her family, she has an even number of teats (four), the ears are long, naked and thin, very large eyes.


Hyladelphys kalinowskii 1992 scientifically described by P. Hershkovitz and initially classified in Gracilinanus. In 2001, she was described by RS Voss, DP Lunde and NB Simmons as a new genus, Hyladelphys. It differs significantly from all other bandicoots, according to an analysis of SA Jansa and RS Voss ( 2005).
