Kálmán Balogh

Kálmán Balogh ( born January 18, 1959 in Miskolc ) is a Hungarian Cimbalomspieler.


Balogh learned to play on the cimbalom with eleven years of his uncle Elemér Balogh, then one of the most famous cimbalom in Hungary. He studied classical music in Budapest, was a member of the group AVAS, where he met the original folk music of Hungary. In 1980 he received a teaching diploma for the cimbalom at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. Balogh played in the most prestigious Hungarian folk music groups in Jánosi, Ökrös, Méta, Téka, Vasmalom, Vízöntő and others. In 1995 he founded the Kálmán Balogh Gypsy cimbalom band. The members of the group are: Péter Bede (saxophone), Ferenc Kovács ( trumpet and violin), Frankie Látó (violin), György Mihály (guitar ) and Csaba Novák ( bass).

