Kamoya Kimeu

Kamoya Kimeu (c. 1940), Kenyans and assistant of Louis Leakey was involved in the discovery of many fossils of early ancestors of modern humans ( Hominini ) in Kenya and Tanzania.

His career began when Louis Leakey, a team of local assistants put together that were trained to discover fossil traces. This team was the unofficial name " hominid gang" ( the hominid transition ) due to this skeletal type and the speed with which investigated this group, and a significant number of residues, identified by central interest for the study of the family tree of the human species.

Kamoya Kimeu among other things the discoverer of the Turkana Boys, an almost complete skeleton of a death at about 11 - to 13 -year-old Homo erectus, whose age has been dated to 1.5 million years.
