Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge

The Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge is a 5788 km ² large reserve in the National Wildlife Refuge System of the United States. It is located in Interior Alaska and contains large parts of the catchment areas of the River Koyukuk and Kanuti the Arctic Circle to the west of the Dalton Highway.

To the north of the protected area are the settlements Bettles and Evansville, west Alatna and Allakaket.

The weather in the region of the Refuges is characterized by short, hot summers with thunderstorms and lightning strikes, which often start fires. These fires maintain a cycle of destruction and regeneration that enables the diverse habitats in the reserve.

The wetlands and lakes along the rivers form water -bird breeding areas, in which about 130 species of birds seasonal or year-round.

The boreal forest with white and black spruce and scattered birches and poplars provides, among other things elk, wolves, lynx, wolverines, black and brown bear habitat. Two of the great caribou herds in Alaska, the Western Arctic and the Ray Mountain herd, roam the area of the protected area.

The Refuge was established in 1980 under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and is under the administration of the United States Fish and Wildlife Services.
