
The pulpit creek in the old town of Schriesheim

The pulpit Bach or candelabra Bach is a stream in Baden- Württemberg, which flows into the Neckar.

The creek rises in front of the Odenwald about 1 km southeast of Altenbach at about 368 m above sea level. NN, first flows in a small arc to the north through the village of Altenbach, then together with the tapering of the north Ursenbach and then the coming of the East Rimbach. He then turns to for almost all of its remaining run to the west, flows through a flood retention basin, takes shortly afterwards from south to Katzenbach and pulls in the Valley of Schriesheim at Stamberg over to the town of Schriesheim itself It happened in an open bed the northern Old and reached after subsequent crossing of the western parts of the city, the A branches 5 Right here in only the southern, south-westerly direction over the entire run of the trench from Loos. The pulpit Bach himself retains its direction initially up to the city limits of Ladenburg, where he then but bends to the south and the southern part of the urban precincts border following, only receives the Loos trench from the left again, and shortly thereafter, after a total of approximately 13 km run and approximately 97 m above sea level. NN, empties in the Neckar houses ferry into the Neckar. Loos trench results today in the lower course by the division of the major part of the water.

The pulpit is called Bach in the town of Ladenburg Kandel Bach, of Schriesheim way up, at least in Katzenbach pulpit inflow stream, upstream from the mouth of Rimbach Altenbach

In Schriesheim the creek was partially renatured in 2000, in the area of ​​Ladenburg sports facilities in 2005, where in conjunction with measures for flood protection.


Once drove the pulpit Bach twelve water mills in the Valley of Schriesheim and two mills (diamond Thaler mill and Cronberger mill) in the town of Ladenburg.

On June 11, 1859 devastated a flood of Bach's pulpit several mills and many houses in Schriesheim. The damage was then estimated at 100,000 guilders.

The construction of the Neckar Canal in the 1920s, the creek was shortened and moved the confluence with the Neckar from Ilves formerly home to Ladenburg. In the late 1960s this was drained by then running through the city part of the stream. The former Mühlbach and is still owned by the Ladenburg Southtown around to the confluence with the Loos ditch.

In February 1972, there was another heavy flood the pulpit Bach.

In the 1970s, the retention basin was built east of Schriesheim.


  • Bestbach (from right in Altenbach )
  • Gembach (from right in Altenbach )
  • Clover meadow digging ( from the right in Altenbach )
  • Ursenbach (from right below the Old Bach )
  • Rimbach alias Rinnbach (from left below the Old Bach )
  • Katzenbach (from left below the Old Bach )
  • Poplar Bach (from right above Stambergs )
  • Allmesbach alias Allmansbach (from left above Stambergs )
  • Weittalbach (from right below Stambergs )
  • Goats Bach aka Geisenbach (from left at the old people's home in Schriesheim's )
  • Rombach ( from the left in the ditch Loos, just before the re- confluence )

A more detailed description of the tributaries with lengths and also the higher-order tributaries found in the article

List of watercourses in the river system pulpit Bach.


  • Schriesheim
  • Ladenburg