
57.55194426.558611Koordinaten: 57 ° 33 'N, 26 ° 34 ' E

Karisöödi ( German Luisenruh or Karrisödt ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Mõniste ( Menzen ) in the Estonian Võru County ( Werro ).

Location and description

The village in the extreme south-east of the country has 46 inhabitants ( 2004). It lies on the River Peetri ( Peetri Jõgi ) and is one of the conservation area. Previously Karisöödi was the center of the estate of Mõniste.

In the park of Karisöödi is located ten meters from the banks of the River Peetri a three hundred year old oak tree. She is 23 meters high. The trunk has a diameter of 4.4 meters.

Two kilometers south-east of the farm belonging to Karisöödi Naha ( Naha talu ) is the southernmost point of Estonia.
