Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann

Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, actually: Tobermann ( born January 2, 1834 in Apolda, † June 9, 1894 ibid ) was Court Clerk in the Thuringian Apolda and beyond weavers, skinners, dog tax collector and dog catcher for the office Niederroßla. He laid by crossing Pinschers, Weimaraners, pointers pointing dogs and the foundation for the discipline of the later named after him Doberman.

Doberman worked alongside the abovementioned activities, also for many years as a night policeman and needed a sharp working dog for personal protection. He dealt with dog breeding and used in addition to the known breeds and mixed breed dogs that he had through his work available. Thus, the exact racial composition of the first Dobermans no longer understand in detail. 1863 presented Doberman dogs on the Apoldaer market for the first time his new dog breed.

  • Cynologist
  • Dog Breeders
  • Person ( Apolda )
  • German
  • Man
  • Born in 1834
  • Died in 1894