Karl Skala

Karl scale ( born February 3, 1924 in Wartberg in Muerztal, † December 31, 2006 in Graz) was an Austrian folk poet.

Life and work

Karl scale was busy after school at the ironworks Vogel & Noot as a lathe, where he retired after 43 years of service. During World War II he was employed as a Panzergrenadier in Russia and after a year in captivity. He wrote his first poem in 1943 A good friend, with whom he achieved fame. In 1956 he published his first volume of poetry, the five others followed. Many of his poems served as the textual basis of compositions that have been recorded on record, including the cantata Move through time and life (1979) and the Fair Everything is in your hands ( 1991) by Gerhard Track and the Mürztallied by Franz Schöggl.


  • After- worship. Poems, European Verlag, Wien 1956.
  • And all around ... is home. Poems, European Verlag, Wien 1957.
  • How It brings so goes. Poems and Gschichten in Styrian dialect. Self-published, Wartberg in Muerztal 1966.
  • Fellow man and contemporaries '. Been thought and experienced in prose and rhyme. Self-published, Wartberg in Muerztal, Styria 1968.
  • Move through time and life. Self-published, Wartberg in Muerztal 1976.
  • Late harvest. Dedicated to my generation. Podmenik, Fohnsdorf 1989.

