
The Kasanka National Park is 450 km ², the smallest national park in Zambia and is located south-west of Bangweulusees in the west Bangweulusümpfen before Muchinga Mountains. It includes rivers, lakes, lagoons, grasslands, swamps and miombo.

As the Bangweulusümpfe National Park offers a great variety of birds, including rare as the fishing owl and the Pygmyente, and plenty of antelope including the rare Sitatungaantilope. There are also elephants, hippos, crocodiles, wildebeest, Ried and waterbuck.

The site has been designated on February 1, 1971 as a National Park, and since 1985 by Kasanka Trust Ltd.. professionally developed for tourism and cared for. There are camps, chalets, lodges, scenic flights and rides on offer, as well as charter flights from Lusaka and back again.
