Kaspar Amort

Kaspar Amort the Elder ( * 1612 in Jachenau, Upper Bavaria, † March 5, 1675 in Munich) was the Elector at times of the Elector Ferdinand Maria court painter in Munich.


Kaspar Amort fled from love for art at age 19 his father and went to Hans Donauer the Younger, painter at Munich, in the doctrine. With the support of the Bavarian government in 1633, he undertook a study trip to Italy, where he mainly devoted himself to the study of the works of Michelangelo Caravaggio.

While he created religious images in the first few years almost exclusively for numerous churches of Munich and Old Bavaria, was his creativity soon by Elector Ferdinand Maria and his wife Henriette Adelaide of Savoy to craft work at the ornate design of the residence, to designs and decorations of opera performances, pastorals and pageantry fireworks used.

Of his eight children were the two oldest, Kaspar Ernst and Lukas, worked with success as a painter at the Bavarian court.



  • In the Residenz in Munich multiple images
  • In the Frauenkirche in Munich painting of St. Thomas in the extract of the altar " to the Mary Rose "
  • In the parish church in Flint bei Rosenheim altarpiece with Saint Stephan
  • In the Franciscan church in Ingolstadt painting of the cross sluggish Christ