
The Kavangoland is a historic landscape in Namibia (the former South West Africa ), and home to the people of the Kavango. The term comes from the German colonial period and the time of the South African occupation. From 1970 to 1990, the Kavangoland was a Homeland the South African model. 1973 was a semi-autonomous status.

The Kavangoland comprised the majority of today's Namibian Kavango region. It was 41 701 square kilometers in size and home to 28,000 people (1964). Traditionally, rule here today for the Kavango - kings.

Bushmanland | Damaraland | Hereroland | Kaokoland | Kavangoland * | Namaland | Ovamboland * | * eastern Caprivi | Rehoboth | Tswanaland * Partially autonomous status

  • Geography (Namibia)
  • Former southwest African Homeland