
Keepalive is a mechanism for data transfer with two goals:

  • Maintain a network connection " alive " to
  • To convince himself of accessibility and functionality of a communication partner.

Keepalives are usually specific packets of a network protocol. They are replaced at regular intervals by an existing communication channel between the partners. The receiver of such a message, a response is expected within a time limit. If the keep-alive packet or the response to it ( repeatedly if necessary) from the corresponding communication partner assumes a disconnection or a malfunction of the communication partner and takes further action. Such measures may be:

  • Replacing the network connection with an existing protocol (eg resume a file download, session management for HTTP and VPN connections )
  • Reconnection recording under Restart the protocol ( eg SMTP to send mails )
  • Final connection task ( abort), ie termination of the protocol with an error message.
  • Telecommunications
  • Network protocol