Keirsey Temperament Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is categorized with four Subtemperamenten a 1978 developed by David Keirsey psychological test, the people into four basic temperaments. Keirseys Temperament Sorter is mainly based on the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI ) of 1958. In modern psychology, the concept of temperament is controversial.

According to Keirsey and the MBTI model determine four characteristics in their polar expression of the temperament (I / E, N / S, F / T and J / P), for example, introversion versus extroversion, etc. The combinations of different pairings give a total of 16 temperaments that are based on four basic temperaments.

A temperament One can either assign based on the descriptions by self-observation or fill out a test sheet, which can be found in two books Keirseys Please understand me (1984) and Please understand me II ( 1998) and is also available on the internet. In the test is 70 dichotomous questions.

  • 3.1 SP
  • 3.2 SJ
  • 3.3 NF
  • NT 3.4
  • 3.5 Overview
  • 4.1 SP vs. NT
  • 4.2 vs SJ. NF

The four dimensions

I vs. e

This describes the motivation for sensory experience. This distinction is widely familiar, but is colloquially often misapplied, as an introvert must neither shy nor an extrovert talkative (even though it is often so true ). Instead, an outside orienter sociable person, action- heaters and more fixated on his environment, an internally oriented person is more concentrated, intense, territorial and fixed to itself (not in the selfish sense). Extravert people draw energy from being with other people, introverts draw energy from being alone. It also speaks of the tendency to distance ( e ) to depth ( I) of the sensory experience. Nevertheless, lie in this pairing before little misunderstanding. Extraversion comes through loud Keirsey to about 75 % before, introversion, therefore only 25%.

N vs. S

This describes the filtering of sensory impressions. The sensory spirit weights the "raw data" and pure impressions highest, the intuitive mind can fall back on a "sixth sense" and capture moods that come more from the experience than from real information. This trait is one of the big differences between people. Sensory people focus "have" tangible things, details, broad knowledge and thinking rather reductionist. Intuitive people want to " be ", strive for deep knowledge and think more holistically, theoretical and abstract. Again, people with sensory about 75 % more common than the intuitive with 25 % of the population.

F vs. T

This describes the structuring of the impressions into a model of action. The Thinker ( thinking ) categorized strong and leads to a few basic elements back, of which there are backed proposals for action and the strongest will be used. The sensing ( feeling ) enabled far more memory and also includes a page with conditions that may be important in complex social situations. If T - types make a decision, they occur in a figurative sense to step back and distance themselves from the object to analyze it; F types appear before a step, so they can empathize with the problem. This is the only area that can be observed in the differences between men and women. According to Myers about 60 % of the emotion -oriented people women.

J vs. P

This describes the security on the recognized model that is translated into action. If the detected ( Perceived ) model is considered to be largely correct, it will be implemented much tighter, or decisions be delayed or neglected, if the model is considered to be inappropriate. Plans are dynamically adapted to information and flexibly implemented. This requires a more spontaneous and more irregular procedure. Urteiler ( Judging ) are decisive and design your model already before all information is available. This model is maintained and corrected even in difficult circumstances, but only reluctantly discarded. Preferably, they act in a systematic and planned. Ps seem " playful ", spontaneous and to be less serious than the natures organized and experienced Js. One could say that Ps are process oriented, while Js are results-oriented. P- type question rather Authorities, J- types rather values ​​and norms. It must be considered in the population an equal distribution.

Furthermore, the letter " X" can be used if no clear trend can be seen in a pairing. Thus, theoretically, mixed types may occur. As a rule, but this does not occur, and it should be considered which dominates inclination.


Summary of differences between the eight forms:

Keirseys temperament term

Classifications of temperament and character are almost as old as humanity itself One of the first tradition in this respect goes back to the Greek philosopher Plato.

According to Keirsey 's temperament determines the inclination to life, while the character determines the life habits. Character describes the lent characteristics, temperament is assessed. One was comparing the brain to a computer, so the temperament of the hardware and the character would be the software.

"Temperament is a configuration of Inclinations, while character is a configuration of habits. Character is disposition, spirited is pre -disposition. "

Keirsey claims that properties of temperament are predisposed. The detection and enables parents of children to use the findings to its type, education. Parents should not have to turn their attention to the what the how, so on experiences and not on actions. Children are different from the start and should be treated accordingly. No upbringing, 'types ' or even traumatic experience could change this difference. The education should not be trying to force the children into the temperament of the parents, but they should be funded.

"We have the four horsemen [ the Apocalypse childhood ]. Not plague, famine, etc, but meddling, inaccessibility, misjudgment and rejection, which arise from the parental benevolence and based on the unconscious assumption of equal "




Artisans ( Artisans )


The distribution in the population is very diverse and can be estimated only roughly. Keirsey goes in NTs with seven per cent of the lowest penetration rates, followed by NFs with about ten percent. The sensory temperaments dominate, with SJs should be more widespread with about 40 to 45% of something than SPs with 35 to 40 %.

The basic temperaments

Core of temperament typing Keirseys is the pair of opposites sensor (S ) vs. Intuition (N). The combinations of Intuition ( N), Feeling (F ) and thinking ( T), as well as sensors (S ) with judgments ( J ) or Perceiving (P) thus determines the basic temperament.


SPs looking for freedom and variety and want to influence their environment and interact with it. Their greatest strength is their tactical intelligence, that is, they are outstanding in creating, composing and acting. Resources for SPS something that should be consumed. For it is one of the day today, the here and now. Often they like to be in the spotlight, and are characterized by generosity, tolerance and perseverance. SPs tend to only do something if they want it. Then, however, they are of greater endurance than other temperaments and better able to deal with setbacks. Due to her impulsive nature they tend to exaggerate. SP children are sometimes considered disobedient, because they are testing boundaries and early look first-hand experience. In today's civilization male SPs can pursue their interests better than females, which can sometimes lead to stereotypes. SPs prefer extraordinary or action-oriented professions, such as artist, pilot, surgeon, racers, actors, mercenaries, or builders of large projects.


SJs are looking for belonging and membership and feel responsible for themselves and their fellow men. ' If I do not do it, who should do it then? ' Asks the SJ. Their great strength is the logistical intelligence, ie, their strength lies in the review and planning. The utility of things is for them in the foreground. A structured life is important for them, so rules, responsibility, and recurring events such as anniversaries or traditions with them more and more popular place than other temperaments. Accordingly, they steadily and accurately perform their tasks. As parents SJs care sincerely about their children, but can be very severe, as long as their offspring does not behave socially. Furthermore, it should be noted that SJs tend due to their pessimistic attitude to saving resources in order to create a cushion. SJs monitor to provide safety and a cyclic life. They are regarded as defenders of the sanction. Professionally, they feel themselves in the service sector such as banking, middle management, accounting, civil service, secondary school - Lehrertum, Nursing or Verwaltungstum well.


NFs search for meaning, significance and identity. ' How can I be the person I really am? ' Asks the NF. Your greatest strength is its diplomatic intelligence, that is, they distinguish themselves by integrating, clarification and inspiration. On " soft" and pseudoscience they often find pleasure, as well as transcendence and mysticism. Competitive behavior they like far less than harmony and togetherness. Logic is with them at least as pronounced as other temperaments, but it provides them with something Optional dar. with individuals they may be particularly good deal and take subtleties most likely in motor skills, language and gestures true. NF- parents show their love for their children, especially with physical approximations such as stroking, petting, rubbing, etc. NF- children are often dreamy and long arrested the imagination. They feel her job, or similar to social sectors such as kindergarten, primary school teachers, writers, educators, psychologists, counselors attracted.


NTs strive for competence and understanding. Your greatest strength is its strategic intelligence, ie, that they excel in theories, plans, concepts and engineering. Authorities and allowances not let NTs unimpressed, knowledge and skills, however. For they all made sense must arise and be effective, which is why they often express themselves concisely and in their communication. Redundancy and repetitions they see as unnecessary. NT parents understand it as anyone else to promote their child individually by reducing rules to a minimum. NT Children doubting authority and are often considered unruly. Time- NTs live in the future, for it is the past, something complete. You, it depends on what is or could be. Sometimes NTs are considered to be socially and intellectually developed. The occupational activities are mostly in scientific fields such as engineering, architecture, mathematics or philosophy.


The following tables, which are please is slightly different translations from Please understand me II and excerpts from get me to give against the striking characteristics of the temperament types.

Similar temperaments

SP vs.. NT

Both characters are utilitarians, which is why it may happen sometimes that they are together, " confused ". The following table shows the base of many misunderstandings.

Utilitarians (especially the perceiver ) are more prone to be predicted as ADHD, because unlike the ' Cooperators ' they do things only if they want it or find meaning in it.

SJ vs. NF

Just as there are great differences among SP and NT, SJ and NF are very different. Both are "helper" ( Cooperators ), but differ in their intuition or sensing. For SJ is the " exterior " important for NF, the "inside". Especially good is this in the English nouns morality ( morality, SJ) and morale ( mental and spiritual constitution, NF) to express the two have the same root word, but the differences can be transferred only with difficulty into German and can lead to unwanted confusion.

The 16 temperament types

For the 16 combinations of the 4 dimensions Keirsey has derived grippy typings:

INFP: Healer, Quaestor INFJ: Counselor, Author ENFP Champion, Journalist ENFJ: Teacher, teacher

ESTJ: Supervisor, Promoter ISTJ: Inspector, trustees ESFJ: Provider seller ISFJ: Protector, curator

INTP: Architect, Architect INTJ: MasterMind, scientists ENTP: Inventor, Inventor ENTJ: Field Marshal, Field Marshal

ESTP: Promoter ISFP: Composer, Artist ISTP Crafter, Artisan ESFP: performer, entertainer

Portraits of temperaments can be found at # literature or in the # links.

Mate choice

In choosing a partner wins the saying ' opposites attract each other ' important. Of course, any temperament can live happily together with everyone, but there are combinations that tend to match better or worse. In his first book Please understand me Keirsey claimed that couples should be entirely different.


This statement has been corrected in his second book Please understand me II that partners only intuition (N) or sensory (S ) have in common and otherwise should be opposed Keirsey.


However, the evidence supporting his theories could Keirsey to date, no provide, which is why these associations are purely speculative.

Application and review

"It is not the purpose of a psychological typology to classify human beings into categories - this in Itself would be pretty pointless. "

"It is not the purpose of a psychological typology to divide people into categories -. Would be in itself rather pointless "

Although Jung, the MBTI model is based on the archetypes, always was against such a categorization, many people have to that requirement.

In Anglo-American regions of the MBTI and the Keirsey further developments of the work area and in the dating agencies are often applied. In Western Europe the distribution of MBTI has increased, but is not comparable to those in America. In Eastern Europe and Russia, the MBTI counterpart Socionics is very popular. In the east a long time was based five- element theory, which seems to converge but with the four- element theory of the West.

Temperament types should not be overstated, since they are only one factor of many. On the one hand people are convertible in certain areas, on the other hand, other values ​​such as knowledge, intelligence or skills are left out. The distinction between people on the basis of temperament traits, however, is still more accurate than the reduction to physical characteristics (such as it was used in ancient times ) or as pseudo-sciences such as astrology. Keirseys types allow an abstraction, supposedly much can be learned about a person by with little effort, but lost due to the many individual characteristics of people.

Unlike the MBTI model Keirsey does not work with function attributes, such as introverted Feeling ( Fi), extroverted thinking ( Te ), etc., whereby the application of the model is less complex - in a positive sense, it is therefore easier to learn and use, in the negative sense it is thereby exhausted faster and can not so much go into depth.

Gunter Dueck, which as type INTJ ( rationalist, Mastermind ) sees himself, engages in some of his works back to Keirseys books and designs based on his own character model.

The couple Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron - Tieger has some books brought out to people in work, education and partnerships to help, and use the MBTI as a central tool. Here is resorted versions on Keirseys and these supplemented by our own observations.
