
The Gunung ( indon. for mountain ) Kelimutu is a 1639 m high volcano on the Indonesian island of Flores, which is a popular tourist destination because of its three colored crater lakes. The last known outbreak occurred in 1968.

The three lakes around the volcano to change due to dissolved minerals at intervals of several years, their color from black to turquoise, red-brown or green. The lake in the west is called Tiwi Ata Mbupu ( to German: Lake of the ancients ), the other two are named Nua Muri Kooh Tai Tiwu ( German: Lake of boys and girls) and Tiwu Ata Polo ( German: Enchanted Lake ).

The locals of lying at the foot of the mountain village of Moni believe that the souls of the dead wander in these lakes, and a color change means that they are angry. From the village of the mountain can be climbed in a three-hour hike or reached by bemo on a very winding road.
