Kent Beck

Kent Beck ( born 1961 ) is one of the three founders of the Extreme Programming (XP) called software development process and the author of several books.

He is regarded as the inventor of Smalltalk testing frameworks SUnit which he has ported together with Erich Gamma on Java and released as JUnit. He is the founder and director of Three Rivers Institute. Beck is also one of the first signatories of the Manifesto authors and for agile software development.


  • JUnit - short & sweet. ISBN 3-89721-507-1.
  • Test - Driven Development ' by example '. ISBN 0-321-14653-0.
  • Smalltalk. Practical utility model. ISBN 3-8272-9549-1.
  • Extreme Programming. The Manifesto. ISBN 3-8273-1709-6.
  • Erich Gamma: Contributing to Eclipse. ISBN 0-321-20575-8.
  • And together with Martin Fowler: Planning Extreme Programming. ISBN 3-8273-1832-7.
  • Implementation patterns. The way to a simpler and more cost-effective programming. Addison Wesley, 2008, ISBN 978-3-8273-2644-7.