
The keratectomy (better keratotomy ) is the cornea of ​​the eye Affected by surgical procedures in ophthalmology and belongs to the area of the so-called refractive surgery.

Radial keratotomy

Here are 4 to 16 cuts made ​​to flatten the cornea to the central cornea to change its radius of curvature and thereby correct a refractive error. This method is now obsolete, because they will cause irreparable damage to healthy corneal tissue.

This method of operation was mainly carried out in the USSR and the USA, in 1986 there were 60,000 in the United States.

PRK ( photorefractive keratectomy ) and LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis - )

These methods are preferably used in patients in which the cornea is too thin. Here also LASIK (laser in - situ keratomileusis ) can not be applied while maintaining the desired correction of the refractive error is low. In this method, the correction takes place by means of excimer laser on the cornea surface. In LASEK, the superficial layer of the cornea (epithelium ) is pushed to ( abraded ) and pushed back after laser application ( repositioned ). PRK corneal treated without manipulation by the excimer laser. PRK was the first Excimerlasermethode.


  • Good predictability
  • Long-term experience are
  • Readjustment is possible


  • Pain and healing over a long period of time possible
  • Slow healing process
  • Readjustment is rare but costly
  • Rarely it can lead to scarring of the cornea

Arcuate keratotomy Laminating ( BLK)

Here high to extreme astigmatism be corrected as they occur eg after corneal transplantation or penetrating eye injuries.

Through small peripheral relaxing incisions in the cornea causes compensate for the curvature ratios and thus the astigmatism is corrected. The sections are arranged in a curved shape to it.

After surgery, there may be sensitivity, mild pain, and for a few weeks Sehschwankungen.
