Kero One

Kero One is a Korean- American hip hop MC and producer from San Francisco.


Kero One grew up as the son of Korean parents in San Francisco. He received in his youth classical piano and violin lessons and taught himself beyond even the drums and play guitar. After training as a web designer he practiced this profession and began casually to produce hip-hop pieces, in which he mixed soul, funk and rap. In 2003, he pressed on their own 50 pieces of his song Check The Blueprints under the title " 12 and sent them to record labels, without receiving a response. About today no longer nachvollziehbarem paths reached two years later one of those CDs Japan. A Japanese businessman discovered in 2005 the rare song in a small record store in Tokyo and passed it on to friendly DJs. Having " 12 has been well received in clubs, he contacted Kero One and ordered 3000 pieces of the plate in order to drive in Japan. Because he was still taken up at this time of any record deal, 2005, he founded his own label plug. Plug he chose as an abbreviation for "Promoting Love Under Ground". In the same year he released his album Windmills of the Soul, which was awarded as the best hip- hop album in Japan from Remix magazine. In 2006 he gave up his job as a web designer in order to devote himself exclusively to music can. Since his album Early Believers in 2009, Kero One mixes reinforced Latin rhythms into his pieces.




