Khar Lake (Zavkhan)

The Char Nuur (Mongolian Хар нуур, Black Lake ) is located in western Mongolia, on the southeastern edge of the " basin of the Great Lakes ." He is part of a group of lakes that are trending in the predominantly southeast-northwest and east-west tectonic depression located. Original presumptions of Russian scientists in the 1950s, the lakes were connected during the Holocene or Pleistocene by a single, large Paläosee have since been refuted ( Grunert 2009). Moreover, such a connection is already alone because of the strong reliefing and different altitude unthinkable. However, in the region greater local lakes for those periods are detected. Guests dine the Char Nuur, by different streams from the Khangai Mountains. contrast, the rainfall on site would be much too low to maintain the lake level. Currently seems the lake level to rise, which can be detected using satellite imagery. Some dunes, which probably lay on dry land since the mid- Holocene are, therefore drown currently on. The Char Nuur is a resting place for migratory birds on their way through Central Asia.
