Khar Turan National Park

IUCN Category II - National Park


The Touran Protected Area is about 11,000 square kilometers, is the second largest protected area of Iran. It is located in the northeast of the country in the province of Semnan and includes the 1,180 -square-kilometer Touran Touran National Park and the National Wildlife Refuge. Due to the enormous size and the inhospitable conditions of the area, a number of species were able to maintain, are extinct many other parts of Iran. So the reserve one of the last two Rückszugsareale the Persian half donkey and one of the last refuges for the Asiatic cheetah. It is believed that about 12-15 of these cats live in the reserve. The ungulate species of the park include not only the half- asses and wild sheep, wild goats and two species of gazelle ( Chinkara, Gazelle goiter ).

Among the breeding birds include the Houbara Bustard, the endemic in Iran Pleskehäher and the Himalayan Treecreeper.


  • Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2008): Protected Areas in Today's World: Their Values ​​and Benefits for the Welfare of the Planet. Montreal, Technical Series no 36, i- vii 96 pages. Compiled by Lisa Janishevski, Kieran Noonan - Mooney, Sarat Babu Gidda and Kalemani Jo Mulongoy, ISBN 92-9225-082-5
  • By Mohammad S. Farhadinia: The Last Stronghold: Cheetah in Iran. CAT NEWS N ° 40, Spring 2004: pp.11 -14 online PDF
  • Site Fact Sheet at Birdlife International, accessed on August 12, 2013