Kharkov KhAI-1

The Chai -1 (Russian ХАИ -1) was inserted into the 1930s Soviet airliner.


It was developed and built in 1932 under the direction of Iossif Grigorjewitsch Neman of a group of students in the Kharkov Aviation Institute ( CHAI = Charkowski Awiazionny Institute / харковский авиационный институт ). A parallel development of a second group of students was the chai -2, which got along without something conventional retractable undercarriage, but was not ultimately made ​​.

The construction consisted entirely of wood in low-wing design with retractable landing gear. It was the first model of its kind in Europe, which had a retractable landing gear. On 8 October 1932, the prototype flew for the first time. The serial production began in 1934 and ended in 1937 after 43 units had been built.

The Chai - 1 was the first Soviet aircraft whose normal production version faster than 300 km / h was. It was used until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, among others, on the route Moscow -Simferopol.

Was also derived a series-produced military execution under the name R- 10th



Another constructed in the Aviation Institute Kharkov aircraft designated Chai -2 was a two-seater motor glider with a 14 hp auxiliary drive. It was developed by P. I. Schischow. The first flight took place in 1936.

Civilian series: Chai 1 | 2 Chai | Chai 3 | 4 Chai | Chai 8 | 9 Chai | Chai 12 | 17 Chai | Chai 18 | 19 Chai | Chai 20 | Chai -30 | Chai 33 | Chai -35

Military series: Chai -5 | 6 Chai | R-10

  • Civilian aircraft type