Khatlon Province

Khatlon ( Tajik: Вилояти Хатлон; Russian Хатлонская область / Chatlonskaja Oblast ) is one of the four provinces ( Wilojat ) Tajikistan. It is located in the southwest of the country and covers approximately 24,800 km ². The population is 2.5196 million inhabitants ( 31 December 2006), increased from 2.151 million inhabitants ( 2000) and 1.704 million (1989). The province is bounded on the south by the border river Panj to Afghanistan. In the west, the province borders on Uzbekistan. In November 1992, the province of Khatlon was founded through the merger of the two regions Qurghonteppa Oblast and Kulob Oblast.

The population is mainly engaged in agriculture - especially on cotton plantations and cattle breeding.

Provincial capital is Qurghonteppa, formerly known as Kurgan -Tyube.

Other major cities are:

  • Danghara, Taj. Данғара / دنغره
  • Kulob, Taj. Кӯлоб / کولاب
  • Norak, Taj. Норак / نارک
  • Qurghonteppa, Taj. Қурғонтеппа / گرگان تپه

Administratively located Khatlon divided into 24 districts.
