Kheti (treasurer)

Chety ( Middle Egyptian HTY) was an ancient Egyptian " Treasurer " under Mentuhotep II ( 2000 BC ).


Chety is known from various sources. He had a big decorated with reliefs grave ( TT311 ) at Deir el- Bahari, the limestone -clad grave chamber was decorated with paintings. He is mentioned several times in reliefs in the mortuary temple of the king. In the shadows he - Rigal, a wadi in the south of Egypt, he appeared once as " beloved of God the Father" in a Sedfestszene on. He also appears with Mentuhotep II and his mother in the shade Yeah he - Rigal. Starting from the Sedfestszene, he was perhaps since the 30th year of the reign of the ruler in office and thus shifted the sed festival of Mentuhotep II. His successor in office was Meketre.
