Khouloud Daibes

Khouloud Daibes abu Dayyeh (born 1966 in Bethlehem ) is a Palestinian architect, monument conservationist, urban planner and was from March 2007 to July 2012, the Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and Minister of Women's Affairs.

Daibes grew up in Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives and studied architecture at the University of Hannover. She received her PhD on the conservation of the Palestinian cultural heritage. In 1995 she returned to Palestine, and was director of the Centre for Cultural Heritage in Bethlehem. She was the contact person for the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD in Israel and Palestine.

She was the first and only Christian in the first cabinet of the unity government and led from 2007 to 2012, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and 2007-2009 in addition, the Ministry of Women. As part of the reshuffle in the summer of 2012, the Catholic, non-party minister was replaced by a Fatah representative.

Since August 28, 2013 Daibes is accredited as Ambassador of Palestine in Germany.

Khlouloud Daibes is married and has three children.


  • Future perspectives of integral conservation strategy of cultural-historical -architectural heritage of Palestine. Hannover 1995