Kidwelly Castle

Kidwelly Castle is a ruined castle in the Welsh county of Carmarthenshire, which was built in the 12th to 15th centuries.


The Castle of Kidelly experienced by their founding in 1106 by Bishop Roger of Salisbury; from the period before 1275, however, only some earthworks, but no architectural remains have survived. 1190 the castle belonged to the Welsh, 1201 the Normans, 1215, the castle was again conquered and destroyed by the Welsh Rhys Gryg. After further changes of ownership, who brought fire and destruction, it was not until the reign of Edward I of England, as the brothers Payn and Patrick de Chaworth the walls and towers of the inner ring wall could again expand, the still largely endures. Since about 1275 the castle was only with an inner, then surrounded by an outer ring of walls, both provided with mighty towers flank. In the following centuries they built the spaces between the walls. After the castle was no longer needed, it was gradually abandoned to decay. The walls remained standing, but the roof collapsed.


The inner courtyard has four round towers and is surrounded on three sides by a kennel. In the east the moat wall is missing, because there the slope offers enough protection. As usual with Welsh castles from this period, the gatehouse is particularly strongly fortified.
