
The expression Kinda (Arabic كندة ) denotes a tribal confederation in Central Arabia in the 6th century.

The Kinda were a South Arabian tribe from the western Hadramaut. In the 5th century, they penetrated to Central and northern Arabia and were united under Hujr to a tribal kingdom.

At the beginning of the 6th century, after the dam of Marib was broken, the Kinda broke under Hudschrs grandson al - Harith ibn Amr in Mesopotamia and conquered with Hira, the capital of the Lakhmids ( 529). However, the Kinda were in the same year by the Lakhmids under Mundhir III. defeated. In these struggles was al - Harith ibn Amr, resulting in the waste of the tribes and the dissolution of the tribal kingdom. Part of the Kinda retired in the aftermath back in the Hadramaut.

Descendants kindidischer tribes today live mainly in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and spread in Indonesia, India, Malaysia and Singapore. Even the family of Osama bin Laden conducts its origin back to the Kinda.
