Kinderbach (Münster-Nord)

The children's Bach at the height of The Old Rectory in children's home

The children's Bach is an orographic left tributary of the Munster Aa in the Westphalian city of Münster. It has a length of 10.6 km.


The children's Bach runs to the northwest of Münster and received its name from the children's home district. The sources of the creek children are below the district Nienberge. The water enters after a piping at the southeastern edge of the settlement to the surface and then runs along the Horstmarer land route. The stream follows the road continues in a southeasterly direction to the Orléans - ring and changes its course there north to the children's home. After it has passed through the district center, it flows in an easterly direction and flows between children's home and Coerde in the Münstersche Aa.
