King's Gate (Kaliningrad)

The King's Gate in Kaliningrad, formerly Königsberg, is one of six former city gates and a part of the fortification equipment in Königsberg, built in the 19th century Königsberg. It was in the district of New concern at the end of King Street. The built of palisades Vorgängertor was Gumbinner goal. 1820 more goods lying in front of the gates are listed and Devau and Kalthof as the vicinity of the gate scoring listed.

The design was by Friedrich August Stiller. The west facade has been equipped by the sculptor Wilhelm striker with three sandstone statues: In nine meters on the left is the Bohemian King Ottokar II, King Mountain takes its name, in the middle of King Frederick I. In 1701 he was crowned in Königsberg Castle Church. first king in Prussia. Right wakes Albrecht of Brandenburg -Ansbach over the city. He was the founder of the Duchy of Prussia and the University of Albertina. About the figures, the coat of arms of Samland and Natangens are attached. Among the figures are the coat of arms of Bohemia, Prussia and Brandenburg.

During World War II, the gate was damaged. The Soviet soldiers had cut off the heads of the figures. In the 750th anniversary of the city in July 2005, the King's Gate was used as the official symbol of the anniversary of the city. After the decision was made for this icon had operated in a time of violence, the restoration of the building. Just a few months before the official launch of the anniversary celebrations, the king's gate was in a desolate state. Within a very short time, erected in the style of the old religious architecture architectural monument of the 19th century was restored. In this case, the 1945 figures mutilated returned completely back to the facade.

Photo Gallery

The King's Gate in the Empire

The King's Gate in the Empire

The King's out of town

Prisoners of German officers at the king of Königsberg, April 12, 1945

The King's Gate before restoration

The King's Gate before restoration

The King's Gate after restoration
