Kir Bulychov

Kir Bulytschow (Russian Кир Булычёв; born October 18, 1934 in Moscow, † September 5, 2003 ibid ) is the pseudonym of Igor Vsyevolodovitch Moscheiko ( Игорь Всеволодович Можейко ), one of the most popular science fiction authors of the Soviet Union and later Russia.


In 1957 he completed his studies at the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow and worked for a time as an interpreter and a correspondent for the magazine Wokrug Sweta ( Вокруг света ) in Southeast Asia. Later he worked as a historian specializing in Burma at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.

In addition to numerous scholarly publications, he wrote a variety of sci-fi stories. His highly successful children's book cycle around the girl Alisa ( named after his daughter ) who experienced numerous adventures on Earth and in outer space in the late 21 th century, made ​​him famous throughout the Soviet Union and beyond. Parts of it were filmed as a television series. His other novels for adults are usually critical of society and caricature the problems of everyday life in the Soviet Union.

Furthermore Kir Bulytschow wrote the screenplays for over twenty films and translated numerous texts - not just science fiction books - into Russian, including by Piers Anthony, Isaac Asimov, Jorge Luis Borges, Ben Bova, Arthur C. Clarke, Lyon Sprague de Camp, Graham Greene, Robert A. Heinlein, Cyril M. Kornbluth, Ursula K. Le Guin, Clifford D. Simak, Georges Simenon, Theodore Sturgeon and James White.


Children's Books

Each appeared in the GDR, in the translation of Aljonna Moeckel

  • The girl from the earth, children's book publishing house Berlin, 1984 ( Девочка, с которой ничего не случится and Путешествие Алисы ) ( includes: The girl who never something happens )
  • The purple ball, children's book publishing house Berlin, 1986 ( Лиловый шар )
  • The girl from the future, children's book publishing house Berlin, 1987 ( День рождения Алисы and Пленники астероида ) ( also contains: Prisoners of the asteroid )
  • Alissa chasing the pirates, children's book publishing house Berlin, 1988 ( Сто лет тому вперед, abridged)
  • Julka and the aliens, children's book publishing house Berlin, 1989 ( Два билета в Индию and Черный саквояж ) ( also includes: the black bag )

Books for Adults

  • The Mars elixir, or: The warriors Way of the Cross, published by The New Berlin, 1980 ( Марсианское зелье ); German Aljonna of Moeckel; 2nd edition 1983
  • The mountain pass, publishing The New Berlin, 1986 ( Перевал ), German of Aljonna Moeckel
  • Survivors, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1995, from German Aljonna Moeckel and Erik Simon
  • Visit from the cosmos, Verlag Neues Leben, Berlin, 1982, from German Aljonna Moeckel, illustrations by Günther Lück
  • A Takan for the children of the earth ( Takan dlya detjej Semli ) MIR Publisher / Publisher The New Berlin, 1976 ( original composition )
  • Heyne Books, Munich, 1981; German by Gisela Frankenberg and Leonore Assigns


  • On the mast of the skull - piracy in the Indian Ocean, The New Berlin Verlag, 1981, German by Klaus -Dieter Goll
  • 7 and 37 Wonders of the World, published by Mir, Moscow / Urania Verlag, Berlin, Leipzig, Jena, Berlin, 1988; German Emilia Crome, Illustrations: Werner Ruhner