Kissi people

The Kissi are an ethnic group in West Africa. You are resident in Liberia, Sierra Leone and southern Guinea ( Forest Guinea ) and have a population of approximately 526,000.


Their language is the Atlantic Kissi language, and many other, more common languages, such as in Sierra Leone Mende, Temne and Krio use. There are among the Kissi both Christians and Muslims and animists. The elderly play an important role in the society of the Kissi. The circumcision of women and girls is widespread among them.

Typical Kissi names are for boys Saa, Saah, Sarh ( first son ) and Tamba ( the second son ) and for girls Sia ( first daughter ), Kumba ( second daughter ) and Finda (third daughter).


Most Kissi are planters. Their main food source is rice, to the cultivation of which they are specialized. Dry rice: On mountain slopes and ridge of the southern savannah. Wet rice: No artificial irrigation, but in natural marshes of hollows in the northern rain forests.

