Klaus Lang

Klaus Lang ( born April 26, 1971 in Graz) is an Austrian composer, concert organist and improviser. He has been teaching since 2006 as a professor of composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz and lives in Steirisch Lassnitz ( Murau, Upper Styria).

Klaus Lang's works cover the entire spectrum of solo pieces to chamber music to orchestral works. A particular focus is his work in the field of opera (eg: queen ök, the persian, spruce, BOOK BAG. .. ). Constantly searching for new forms of musical theater combines Klaus Lang, a long-standing collaboration with the designer and artist Claudia Doderer space.

In addition to his artistic work Klaus Lang has a large number of contributions to periodicals or encyclopedias (eg positions, art, music, Grove ) written and published a work entitled " On euphony waves through the tones Sea", on the subject of historic temperaments.

2010 Lang was awarded the Andrezj - Dobrovolsky price.
