

Kleindietwil was until December 31, 2010, a municipality in the Oberaargau the canton of Bern in Switzerland. A burger or parish with this name does not exist. The former municipality consisted of Kleindietwyl, Dietwylschynen, parts of wine bars and other hamlets.

On 1 January 2011 merged with Kleindietwil Leimiswil to the municipality Madiswil.

As Kleindietwil earlier was also the aargauische community Dietwil called, to distinguish them from Lucerne Grossdietwil.


Kleindietwil located in the Upper Aargau in the Swiss Mittelland. The neighboring communities of north clockwise are starting Madiswil, Auswil, Rohrbach BE, Rohrbachgraben, Ursenbach and Leimiswil.


Kleindietwil has an economy with a focus on the service sector.


At the community meetings from December 12, 2009 voted 134 out of 148 eligible voters present for a merger with Madiswil and Leimiswil. Thus Kleindietwil from 1 January 2011 is part of the new municipality Madiswil.

Sons and daughters of the town
