Kleinhennersdorfer Stein

View from the west

The Kleinhennersdorfer stone (392 m) is a table mountain in the linkselbischen Saxon Switzerland Saxony. It stands as a Two-dimensional natural monument under protection since 1979.


The Kleinhennersdorfer stone is located about four kilometers southeast of Königstein and about two kilometers south of Bad Schandau center of a plateau ( flatness ), which is still dominated by further similar rocky mountains. Surrounding mountains are the Gohrisch, the pope stone and the lasing stones. Tourist this micro-region is often named in the Saxon Switzerland as the area of the stones. At the foot of Kleinhennersdorfer stone lie the small villages Kleinhennersdorf and Pope village belonging to the municipality Gohrisch. On the south side - close to the saddle to the neighboring Papststein - there are two fairly well-known caves of the Saxon Switzerland, the lights cave and the cave Hampel.


1461 the Kleinhennersdorfer stone is first mentioned as Heynersdorfer stone. At the foot of the North crash led along in the 16th century, the running of Kleinhennersdorf to Königstein Kirchsteig.

Sand extraction

There is today about 20 meters long and 15 meters wide cave lights, a layer joints cave on the south side of the rock massif. Your current size received the cave, as in 1870 the King Friedrich Steiner inhabitants Herrmann Hempel with the commercial mining of sandstone began, which was sold crushed and ground as abrasive powders to Pubs and soap factories. The two collapse caves on the south side were significantly increased by the reduction, so that the extraction was banned by the authorities there later. On December 17, 1918 Hempel lost by the collapse of a rock in the foreland his life.


The sandstones of the Kleinhennersdorfer stone belong to the steps c and d, which are classified in the geological time scale in the Upper Turonian chalk. In recent publications, these are also known as Schrammstein layers. Typical of this sandstone is a weathering to honeycomb and hourglasses.

Between the sandstone steps c and d is located at an altitude of about 350 m ( in the north of Kleinhennersdorfer stone ) or 365 m ( in the south of Kleinhennersdorfer stone ) a designated γ3 intermediate layer of clayey- silty sediments, which acts as a water thawing and thereby easily prone to weathering and cave formation. Within this horizon the caves at Kleinhennersdorfer stone ( "Lights cave ", " ice cave ", " Hampel cave " ) are formed.


Due to the low altitude, the strong forest cover and the already highly advanced erosion and dissection of the summit plateau offers the Kleinhennersdorfer stone in contrast to the adjacent blocks not a comprehensive view.

However, it is possible from the plane at Südostfuß of the mountain a wide view to the west of Falkenstein, Hohe Liebe, Schrammsteine ​​, Great Winterberg, carbon Bornstein and Rear Laasenstein.

Way to the summit

Starting point for a hike is mostly the village Kleinhennersdorf. From here marked trails lead to Kleinhennersdorfer stone. Arrivals are possible from both north and south direction. The Malerweg, the main trail of the Saxon Switzerland, runs on the section of Schmilka to Gohrisch directly past the southeastern foot of Kleinhennersdorfer stone. From Malerweg also the main southeastern access branches to Kleinhennersdorfer stone.

Rocks on the summit plateau

Looking for Königstein

Lights cave

Hampel cave
