Kobuk River

Kobuk River near Kiana

Sand dunes on the Kobuk River

Its headwaters located in the Endicott Mountains Gates -of -the- Arctic National Park just above the Arctic Circle. It flows westward along the southern flank of the Brooks Range, first by deep gorges and then meandering through broad wetlands. In the lower reaches it crosses between Baird and the Warring Mountains the Kobuk Valley National Park. About 20 km before the confluence with the Hotham Inlet of Kotzebue Sound, the Kobuk begins in a broad delta drill.

During the Pleistocene there were at least five major glaciations in northwestern Alaska. In interglacial periods accumulated by strong east wind glazifluviale deposits of river banks and outwash plains as aeolian sediment over an area of ​​approximately 800 km ² along the Kobuk on. The bulk of it is now covered by forests and tundra, 83 km ² but are active dunes. The Great Kobuk Sand Dunes lie about 3 km south of the river east of Kavet Creek, the Little Kobuk Sand Dunes, 8 km south of the river in the southeastern part of the National Park and the Hunt River Dunes directly on the Kobuk River at the mouth of the Hunt.

The 175 km long section of the Kobuk River in Gates -of -the- Arctic National Park was designated in 1980 by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act as a National Wild and Scenic River under the administration of the National Park Service.
